
A logo is a symbol used to represent a company. It is what the company wants people to see and say “oh that’s this company.” It is important to have a logo so that people have something to recognize your company by. I think what makes a logo memorable is to have it pop out of its surroundings, whether it’s by color, design or just how different it looks. A logo shouldn’t have too much to think about or too many colors to see. A logo should be fairly simple with colors and designs that match your company.

Friday Favorite 12

I think that it was hard to remember all of the things we can do in illustrator. I think that it’s good to review a program every once in a while to remember how to use the different tools in a program so that if you use it again after a long time, you still remember how to do it. I don’t prefer either illustrator or photoshop because each progrom was intended for different things so you can’t do everything in one program. The major differences in illustrator and photoshop are that in illustrator you can draw things and many different shapes and edit them with ease, in photoshop you can still draw stuff but you can’t edit it as easily. Instead in photoshop you can edit pictures to make them look better and take major or minor flaws and fix them.

Animator Facts

The Average salary is $47,098 per year.

Animators are responsible for creating graphic images for animated movies, TV shows, video games and comercials.

Animators create moving images with many pictures that chanage slowly.

Animators create both 2D and 3D animations.

The highest 10% of animators earned $100,390 in 2008.