Shutter Speed

For the first picture I think that the shutter speed was slow and the aperture was low because the camera needed time to capture all the water falling but it didn’t need to focus o anything in the background.

For the second picture i think the shutter speed is low and the aperture is high because the camera needed time  to capture all of the light around the rock pillars and it needed high aperture to capture all the details in the background.

Aperture Photos

Aperture picturesIMG_6308 IMG_6307 IMG_6306 IMG_6305                                                              TextureIMG_6279 NatureIMG_6274

ApertureIMG_6243 IMG_6242 IMG_6241 IMG_6240

PlaygroundIMG_6247 My favorite picture was the tree picture.

Depth Field

I think that depth field means ephazising one certain thing in a picture. I focuses on the one thing and then blurs the other things in the photo.  Also kind of how it shows all of the pictures and then one is like very bright and colorful and the others are dull colors.

Principles of Design

It is important to use balance in a composition to make the elements fit together. Balance is using the right amout of a hot and cold color and using sharp and dull objects.
It is important to use porportion to make the elements fit together so that one element doesn’t overpower the composition. Porportion is the amount of an elemnt compared to another.
It is important to use rhythm so that the composition works together. It is basicaly like the rhythm in a song, without it the piece won’t work well.
It is important to use emphasis to draw the person’s eyes to something in the picture. It is the use of lines colrs etc. to make the person look at that first.
It is important to use unity so that the elements in your composition fit together. It is making the elements in your composition fit together.

Logo Critique

Whe people critiqued my logo the said that it looked good and the colors matched. The only other thing they said was to make the water in the fish bowl line up with the fish bowl.